Crypto Hardware Wallets

Crypto hardware wallets are the safest option for your crypto. Vancouver Bitcoin offers a wide selection of hardware wallets and is an authorized reseller of Trezor wallets.

Illustration of man holding Bitcoin Coin and Cryptocurrencies in Wallet
Hardware Wallet Benefits

The Most Secure Method for Storing Your Crypto with Peace of Mind

Keep your crypto safe in cold storage. Contact us to learn about the different types of wallets. Our experts will help you determine which crypto wallet is best for you. Visit us for hands-on assistance with setting up and using a hardware wallet.

Trezor Wallets

Model T Trezor Crypto Wallet

Tezor Model T

1.54″ Touchscreen
USB-C Included
1456 Coins/Tokens Support
Access to Trezor Suite
Advanced Shamir Backup, Standard seed backup
FIDO2 & U2F authentication standards
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Model One Black Trezor Crypto Wallet

Trezor Model One

Two-Button Pad
USB-A Included
1289 Coins/Tokens Support
Access to Trezor Suite
Standard seed backup
Established U2F security technology
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Ledger Wallets

Ledger Nano S Plus Matte Black Crypto Wallet

Ledger Nano S Plus

Small OLED Screen
USB-C Connection
Ledger Live App Support
Certified Secure Element (CC EAL5+)
24-word Secret Recovery Phrase
Works on Windows, MacOS, Android, Ubuntu
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Ledger Nano X Onyx Black Crypto Wallet

Ledger Nano X

Small OLED Screen
USB-C Connection
Ledger Live App Support
Bluetooth Compatible (Smartphones Only)
Certified Secure Element (CC EAL5+)
24-word Secret Recovery Phrase
Works on Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Ubuntu
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Fatstax Crypto Wallet

Ledger Stax

E-Ink Touchscreen Display
Bluetooth Compatible (Smartphones Only)
Qi Wireless Charging
USB-C Connection
Certified Secure Element (CC EAL5+)
24-word Secret Recovery Phrase
Works on Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Ubuntu
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Crypto Hardware FAQs

In Case You Were Wondering

A hardware cryptocurrency wallet is a physical device, like a USB stick, that keeps your digital money safe. It stores your private keys (secret codes that give you access to your cryptocurrencies) offline, away from hackers.

Crypto wallets can be secure if used correctly. Hardware wallets (like USB devices) are the safest, while software and online wallets require precautions against hackers. Choose reputable wallets, update software, and protect your private keys and personal information.

To transfer cryptocurrency to your crypto wallet, you’ll need to obtain the recipient wallet address and initiate a transaction from your exchange or another wallet. Copy the wallet address from your wallet and paste it into the sender’s address field, specify the amount you want to transfer, and confirm the transaction. To transfer cryptocurrency from your wallet to another recipient, obtain their wallet address, enter it as the recipient address, specify the amount you want to send, and confirm the transaction from within your wallet. Always double-check the addresses to ensure accuracy and be aware of any transaction fees associated with the transfer.

If you lose your hardware wallet device, you can recover your funds using the recovery seed. The recovery seed is a randomly generated sequence of words that you should have securely stored when you set up the wallet. With this seed, you can restore your wallet and access your cryptocurrencies on a new hardware wallet device. It is crucial to keep your recovery seed in a safe place, separate from the device itself, to ensure that you can recover your funds if the device is lost or damaged.